When discussing Azure networking, a question that frequently comes up is how to connect different Azure regions. More specifically, this question typically boils down to how to connect VNETs that are in different regions. There are three options to achieve this connection, which we’ll discuss in this post: Global VNET peering VNET-to-VNET connection Expressroute Although […]
Category: Azure

Setting up Windows Virtual Desktop in Availability Zones
If you followed along with my writing, you might have noticed I’ve working with Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) a little. You can read more about setting up WVD, setting up the management tool or how to setup FSLogix. By default, the WVD template deploys the session hosts in an availability set. This will spread the […]

Adding alerts to Azure Storage metrics
For every system you use, monitoring and alerting is critical. This holds true for Azure storage as well. In this quick post I’ll explain how you can setup alert rules for hitting TPS limits. Setting up the alert To set up the alerts, navigate to your storage account, look for Alerts, and hit the “New […]

Changing from Let’s Encrypt to an App Service Managed Certificate
A couple of months ago, I moved my blog from wordpress.com to my own hosting on Azure. Afterwards, I setup SSL using a Let’s Encrypt free certificate. This process is using an opensource plugin into App Service to communicate to Let’s Encrypt. Recently, Microsoft announced free certificates for App Service custom domains. These certs are […]

Analyse Storage Account logs using Python in Azure Notebooks
Azure Storage can provide you detailed log information about all transactions happening against your storage account. There are default metrics that are gathered and shown through Azure Monitor. Additionally, you can configure logging on the storage account that give you a log information on a per request basis. Analyzing these logs can be a bit […]