Last week, I wrote a post about how to create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure using kubeadm. It wasn’t as hard as Kubernetes the hard way, but it took some time to get everything setup and get all the infrastructure spun up. The goal of this post is to show an easier path to get […]
Tag: kubernetes

Setting up Kubernetes on Azure using kubeadm
I’m studying to renew my CKA certification. Part of the CKA certification learning goals is setting up and managing a cluster with kubeadm. The goal of this post is to share how to setup a cluster with kubeadm using VMs running on Azure. The steps that are required here are: Setup Azure infrastructure Setup first […]

Using public IPs from a public IP prefix in Azure Kubernetes Service
When creating a service of type LoadBalancer in AKS, AKS will by default use a random public IP address and configure that on the AKS load balancer. You can however use a static self-managed public IP address as well. Don’t confuse this with using a public ip prefix for the outbound rule for AKS though. […]

Block public load balancers on Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure policy
In this post, I’ll explain to you how you can use Azure Policy to restrict the creation of load balancers with a public IP in AKS using Azure policy. Azure policy is a way to ensure your Azure deployments follow your standards. Policies are a set of restrictive rules, that control what can be deployed […]

Using Pulumi and Python to create a private Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
Pulumi is a somewhat new kid on the infrastructure-as-code block. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to work with Pulumi for a while, and a recent customer engagement caused me to investigate it in a bit more detail. This led me to create this post, exploring how to create a private AKS cluster and a […]