I have had the idea about writing about container and kubernetes networking for a while. Every time I dove in the research, I started looking at the networking aspects from a bottom-up lens. This means, starting at the Docker layer, moving into IPtables and into Kubernetes networking. What I learned about customer conversations about Kubernetes […]
Category: Azure

How to allow users to create service principals and the impact on Managed Identity
A common question I get from customers is how they can enable their development teams to create service principals. In this post, I’ll explain how you can achieve this. We’ll finish the post by exploring the impact on Managed Identities as well. During the writing of the Managed Identities piece, I hit something I hadn’t […]
Setting up a Squid proxy with authentication
Do you know the feeling: you’re traveling out of the country, and suddenly you cannot access some websites? I recently hit this when I traveled to Europe, and some US websites I wanted to access threw me the GDPR block. I had once setup a proxy server to do some geo-timing tests, and decided to […]
Creating a self-destructing VM
A couple of weeks ago I sat in a meetup, where Dave Stanke from Google mentioned he sometimes creates self-destructing VMs. I had never thought about self-destructing VMs, and decided to try this out with Azure. What’s required for a self-destructing VM First things first, we’ll need a way to create our VM. Through this […]

Using Packer to build Windows Images (on Azure)
Today I helped a colleague and his customer out with automating the building of their images using Packer. I thought: why not share the experience. What is Packer? Packer is a tool developed by Hashicorp (the company behind Terraform) that makes it easy to automate the creation of custom images (or AMIs in AWS). The […]