Earlier today, Camila Martins joined the latest episode Unsung Heroes of the Cloud. She did an amazing job explaining how to manage Azure diagnostics settings at scale: She did such a great job explaining things, that I actually want to try out what she showed. The goal of this blog post is to explore how […]
Category: Management

Block public load balancers on Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure policy
In this post, I’ll explain to you how you can use Azure Policy to restrict the creation of load balancers with a public IP in AKS using Azure policy. Azure policy is a way to ensure your Azure deployments follow your standards. Policies are a set of restrictive rules, that control what can be deployed […]

Setting up shared image gallery cross-tenant using the Azure CLI
The Azure shared image gallery is a service in Azure that helps you manage and store images in a central location. It’s then easy to share those images with other subscriptions. It is however not that easy to share those images with other subscriptions if those subscriptions are tied to a different AAD tenant. There’s […]

Exploring the new GitHub Actions continuous delivery functionality
At GitHub Universe in early December 2020, some new functionalities for GitHub Actions focused on continuous delivery were introduced. In this blog post, we’ll explore them in the context of a simple web-app deployment to a Kubernetes cluster. Before diving into what’s new, let’s have a look at what GitHub Actions are: What are GitHub […]

Customize core dump in Azure Kubernetes
A core dump is a common way to get information about process crashes. It saves the memory state, which can later be used for troubleshooting purposes. Being able to perform a core dump in Kubernetes is a little bit more involved than on a regular system. You will need to configure the Kubernetes hosts in […]