I had a great week this week at Ignite. There were a couple of nice announcements that I want to dive into soon (Azure Arc being one of them). If you have doubted about attending Ignite before, I can highly recommend it for a couple of reasons: There is a great atmosphere, and there a […]
Category: Open Source

Setting up KEDA and running a first application
I’m presenting at a meetup tonight on the topic of Nodeless and Serverless on Kubernetes. My friend and colleague Richard Spitz is presenting on nodeless kubernetes and the virtual kubelet – while I’ll be taking on the topic of Serverless Kubernetes, with a focus on KEDA. KEDA (Kubernetes Event Driven Architecture) is a kubernetes component […]
Setting up a Squid proxy with authentication
Do you know the feeling: you’re traveling out of the country, and suddenly you cannot access some websites? I recently hit this when I traveled to Europe, and some US websites I wanted to access threw me the GDPR block. I had once setup a proxy server to do some geo-timing tests, and decided to […]
Creating a self-destructing VM
A couple of weeks ago I sat in a meetup, where Dave Stanke from Google mentioned he sometimes creates self-destructing VMs. I had never thought about self-destructing VMs, and decided to try this out with Azure. What’s required for a self-destructing VM First things first, we’ll need a way to create our VM. Through this […]

Using Packer to build Windows Images (on Azure)
Today I helped a colleague and his customer out with automating the building of their images using Packer. I thought: why not share the experience. What is Packer? Packer is a tool developed by Hashicorp (the company behind Terraform) that makes it easy to automate the creation of custom images (or AMIs in AWS). The […]