Tomorrow I’m joining the 425 show on Twitch for a discussion on AAD-managed pod identities and how to integrate them with Key Vault. This blog post is both a sneak preview of what we’ll be discussing tomorrow as well as a review of the episode if you want to study things more in-depth after it […]

Azure Files NFS mounted on Azure Kubernetes Service
I am doing some work with a customer around mounting Azure Files using NFS in an AKS cluster. In this blog post, I’m summarizing how to achieve this! In many applications, you need to have access to some shared files. There’s a couple of ways of setting this up. In Linux a common approach to […]

Trying out the preview of Azure Active Directory pod-managed identities in Azure Kubernetes Service
Using managed identities in Azure is recommended when you’re connecting to other Azure services (and even your own services if you’re implementing authentication). In the Kubernetes world, Microsoft has maintained an open-source project called AAD-pod-identity. Recently, a managed and supported version of AAD pod identity for AKS was released in public preview. In this post, […]

The story of how we got our green card
Immigrating to a new country is a very stressful experience. The COVID-19 situation certainly isn’t helping with making the experience less stressful. My wife and I recently got our green card, which means that for us most of the stress is now behind us. My wife and I are super fortunate and privileged to have […]

Exploring the new GitHub Actions continuous delivery functionality
At GitHub Universe in early December 2020, some new functionalities for GitHub Actions focused on continuous delivery were introduced. In this blog post, we’ll explore them in the context of a simple web-app deployment to a Kubernetes cluster. Before diving into what’s new, let’s have a look at what GitHub Actions are: What are GitHub […]