I’m presenting at a meetup tonight on the topic of Nodeless and Serverless on Kubernetes. My friend and colleague Richard Spitz is presenting on nodeless kubernetes and the virtual kubelet – while I’ll be taking on the topic of Serverless Kubernetes, with a focus on KEDA. KEDA (Kubernetes Event Driven Architecture) is a kubernetes component […]
Tag: azure

How to allow users to create service principals and the impact on Managed Identity
A common question I get from customers is how they can enable their development teams to create service principals. In this post, I’ll explain how you can achieve this. We’ll finish the post by exploring the impact on Managed Identities as well. During the writing of the Managed Identities piece, I hit something I hadn’t […]
Creating a self-destructing VM
A couple of weeks ago I sat in a meetup, where Dave Stanke from Google mentioned he sometimes creates self-destructing VMs. I had never thought about self-destructing VMs, and decided to try this out with Azure. What’s required for a self-destructing VM First things first, we’ll need a way to create our VM. Through this […]
How to setup https using let’s encrypt on app service
For those who read my previous post, you might have read that my blog wasn’t served over HTTPS. In this day and age, you certainly want to HTTPS all your web traffic. It offers a lot of benefits, at almost no cost. It’s just a tiny-bit complicated to setup certificates – and I’ll walk you […]

How I moved my blog from wordpress.com to my own hosting
I decided to move my blog from WordPress.com to a self-hosted WordPress. Although it’s been a couple months since the last post here, I want to pick up the rhythm. Karim Vaes picked up his blogging after I nudged him, so I couldn’t stay behind. Before I explain the how though, let me give you […]