Recently, I got a question on how to setup VNET service endpoints using Terraform. This blog post is a quick show and tell on how to set that up. For reference, a full example is available on my GitHub. Given it’s HashiConf at the time of writing, this seems like a good time to publish […]
Tag: terraform

How to use ‘terraform output’ in a GitHub action
Recently, I was building a GitHub Actions pipeline, and needed to access output from Terraform. There’s a very convenient feature in Terraform that allows you to get output from your applied .tf files. You can call those values from the shell directly, and assign them to variables in your shell. What you need to do […]
Using a API Management in front of an Azure Kubernetes cluster
I have had the idea about writing about container and kubernetes networking for a while. Every time I dove in the research, I started looking at the networking aspects from a bottom-up lens. This means, starting at the Docker layer, moving into IPtables and into Kubernetes networking. What I learned about customer conversations about Kubernetes […]
Creating a self-destructing VM
A couple of weeks ago I sat in a meetup, where Dave Stanke from Google mentioned he sometimes creates self-destructing VMs. I had never thought about self-destructing VMs, and decided to try this out with Azure. What’s required for a self-destructing VM First things first, we’ll need a way to create our VM. Through this […]
How to make changes to the terraform provider for Azure
Earlier this week I was working with a customer on a terraform template. We building out a virtual machine scale set, which would need to connect to the internet with a well known IP. For this, we decided to leverage an outbound rule in the Load Balancer Standard, using a public IP prefix. We need […]