I’m a huge fan of GitHub Codespaces. Codespaces deliver a fully powered and customizable Visual Studio Code (VS Code) instance in the browser. I’ve started using Codespaces recently to do my Covid analysis. It’s a great tool because I don’t need to install anything locally, I can simply use Codespaces straight from the browser. Codespaces […]

Creating Windows Azure Container Instances using the Virtual Kubelet from the Azure Kubernetes Service
I am working with a customer that is looking to deploy Windows containers from Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to Azure Container Instances (ACI) nodes. In this blog post, I’ll explain how this can be done. We’ll start with a quick why somebody would want to do this, how this can be done and then transition […]

First look at GitHub Codespaces
GitHub Codespaces is a way to get a fully powered Visual Studio Code experience in the browser. It’s your cloud-enabled development machine, without needing anything but a web browser. It’s currently in beta and I got access a couple weeks ago. Today, I wanted to give it a spin. Rather than provide a simple demo, […]

Using Terraform to create VNET service endpoints
Recently, I got a question on how to setup VNET service endpoints using Terraform. This blog post is a quick show and tell on how to set that up. For reference, a full example is available on my GitHub. Given it’s HashiConf at the time of writing, this seems like a good time to publish […]

Kubernetes GitOps using Azure Arc
Lately, I’ve been learning more about Azure Arc. As part of this learning, I’ve been contributing to a great GitHub repo that contains a number of example scenarios for Azure Arc. Most of these examples are fully automated, so you can learn about Arc even more quickly. My last learning experience was how to leverage […]